• 최종편집 2024-04-18(목)

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  • French Article
        Ste. Genevieve, Missouri, named after the patron saint of Paris, was founded by French Canadians around 1735, making it the oldest permanent European settlement in Missouri. Much of Ste. Geneviève’s charm is due to the exceptional preservation of the original colonial settlement  Still maintaining houses built by the French in the 18th century, Ste. Genevieve attracts tourists through many early French settlers’ homes. Beauvais-Amoureux Historic House, for example, was built in 1792 with a steeply-pointed roof, reminiscent of early French Canadian architecture. Other historic buildings are the Bolduc & LeMeilleur Houses built with vertical log structures, representing the colonial Americans' living conditions. Having visited the historic housing sites at Ste. Geneviève’s National Registered Historic District, I found myself fully immersed in each room. The plentiful French early Empire furniture in every living quarter caught my attention instantly. At the Felix Vallé Historical House Site, a fully operating fresh garden was still cultivated in the original brick and frame outbuildings.  Sainte Genevieve Catholic Parish also depicts French influence on the previously French, Louisiana Purchase territory. Catholic church in Ste. Genevieve, Missouri, is the first organized European church west of the Mississippi River. The interior is filled with original stained glass windows and paintings from the French colonial era. Last but not least, the Louis Bolduc House Museum is a prime example of traditional French Colonial architecture. In 1792, Louis Bolduc, a successful merchant built a one-story house at the new village site. Still owned by the Bolduc family descendants until the 1940s, the Louis Bolduc House now turned into a museum for colonial French artifacts and furnished pieces. If you visit the States, make sure to explore the French influence on towns like Ste. Genevieve, Missouri.   - Alex Lee,  senior (12th grade) at Thomas Jefferson School in St. Louis, Missouri.-   
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  • French Article
        Ste. Genevieve, Missouri, named after the patron saint of Paris, was founded by French Canadians around 1735, making it the oldest permanent European settlement in Missouri. Much of Ste. Geneviève’s charm is due to the exceptional preservation of the original colonial settlement  Still maintaining houses built by the French in the 18th century, Ste. Genevieve attracts tourists through many early French settlers’ homes. Beauvais-Amoureux Historic House, for example, was built in 1792 with a steeply-pointed roof, reminiscent of early French Canadian architecture. Other historic buildings are the Bolduc & LeMeilleur Houses built with vertical log structures, representing the colonial Americans' living conditions. Having visited the historic housing sites at Ste. Geneviève’s National Registered Historic District, I found myself fully immersed in each room. The plentiful French early Empire furniture in every living quarter caught my attention instantly. At the Felix Vallé Historical House Site, a fully operating fresh garden was still cultivated in the original brick and frame outbuildings.  Sainte Genevieve Catholic Parish also depicts French influence on the previously French, Louisiana Purchase territory. Catholic church in Ste. Genevieve, Missouri, is the first organized European church west of the Mississippi River. The interior is filled with original stained glass windows and paintings from the French colonial era. Last but not least, the Louis Bolduc House Museum is a prime example of traditional French Colonial architecture. In 1792, Louis Bolduc, a successful merchant built a one-story house at the new village site. Still owned by the Bolduc family descendants until the 1940s, the Louis Bolduc House now turned into a museum for colonial French artifacts and furnished pieces. If you visit the States, make sure to explore the French influence on towns like Ste. Genevieve, Missouri.   - Alex Lee,  senior (12th grade) at Thomas Jefferson School in St. Louis, Missouri.-   
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  • 미국에서재미있었던행사∙체험에관하여
    미국에서재미있었던행사체험에관하여                                                                                                                  이은준   Our Lady of Lakes   졸업반수련회 (Senior Retreat)     먼저Senior Retreat을간단하게설명하자면,같은해에졸업하는학우들과함께뜻깊은 1박2일을보내는것이다. 짧은기간이지만잠시바빴던학교생활로부터휴식을가지면서친구들과더욱친해지기도하고, 여러교회관련활동을통해예수님과가까워지는시간을가진다.공립학교에도이런행사를진행하는지는잘모르겠지만,본인이다니는학교는사립학교라이런새롭게의미있는경험을할수있었다.   구체적으로어떤활동을했는지설명해보겠다. 먼저수련회장소에도착하여지도자를만나고가벼운게임들로행사를시작했다. 이를통해친구들과더친해질뿐만아니라서먹함또한없앨수있었다. 이후,교회로가서예배를드리고설교를들었다. 자유시간도주어져서농구도하고,탁구도치며재미있는시간을보냈다. 다음활동으로는학기동안함께시간을보내지못했거나, 별로친하지않은친구들에게1대1로궁금했던질문을하며서로를알아가는시간을가졌다. 이뿐만아니라같은학년학우들에게편지를쓰면서서로를칭찬해주는시간도가졌다. 이런활동으로별로안친하던친구들을더알아갈수있어서굉장히의미가있었다. 특히서로에게편지를쓰는활동이가장기억에남는다. 마지막으로다시교회로돌아가예수님께자신의죄를말하고회개를하였다. 한국에서교회를다닐때에는죄를회개하는시간을가져본적이없고그런기회조차많지않았기에되게색달랐다.       1박2일이라는굉장히짧은시간이었기에많은활동을할수는없었지만,한국의수련회혹은수학여행과는정말다른,굉장히색다르고의미있는경험이기에본인의미국생활중기억에남는다.      사이더밀(Cider Mill)           사이더밀은가을을대표하는행사로주로미시간주에서유명하다. 농장에서사과를재배할시기가되면방앗간에서사과를짜낸즙으로사과주스를만든다. 이때갓만든사과주스와도넛을함께먹으며농장을구경하는계절행사이다,   사이더밀이기억에남는이유는영화로만봐왔던미국농장풍경을직접보고재미있는체험들을했기때문이다. 본인이간장소는Northville Cider Mill 이라는곳이다.도착하기전부터창밖으로소외양간, 돌아다니는말들을볼수있었다. 농장이라그런지장소가굉장히컸고, 여러가지체험활동을마련해주었다. 기념품상점들도있고, 공연하는장소도있었으며트랙터를타고농장을돌아보는체험도있었다. 행사에서가장재미있었던것은옥수수밭미로(Corn Maze)였다. 말그대로옥수수밭에만들어진미로를탈출하는체험이다. 호스트가족들과함께들어갔는데,서로먼저앞장서간다음옥수수밭에숨어있다가놀라게하며, 함께미로를탈출해재미있는시간을보냈다. 트랙터를타고농장을둘러보기도했다. 특히할로윈시즌에는트랙터를타고가는길에여러장식도하며사람들을놀라게하기도한다       
    • 청소년기자단
    • 문화, 스포츠
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