• 최종편집 2025-01-20(월)



[Leaders Times] The Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries announced that a policy discussionwiththeInternationalMaritimeOrganization(IMO)willbeheldattheIMOheadquartersinLondon, England, on May 14th.


The ministry has been organizing this policy debate since last year to enhance Korea'stechnological competitiveness and facilitate its entry into new markets by leading thediscussion on international standards for autonomous ships—Maritime Autonomous SurfaceShips (MASS). Around 300 government officials and experts from member countriesparticipated in last year's debate, generating significant interest and positive responses.


This year's event will be themed "Sailing Together: Driving for a Future-Proof IMO MASSCode."ItwillfeatureacongratulatoryspeechbyYoonYeo-chul,AmbassadortotheUnitedKingdom and the Republic of Korea's Ambassador to the IMO, along with presentations bydomestic and international experts. Korea will also showcase empirical cases of MASStechnologydeveloped by itsresearch institutes and industry.


Minister of Oceans and Fisheries Kang Kyung-hyung stated, "MASS is one of the key issuesthe IMO is focusing on, alongside decarbonization. It is crucial to actively engage in settinginternationalstandards."Headded,"WeexpectthatKoreawillestablishitsimageasaleaderin autonomous ships through this policy discussion and foster cooperation with manymember countries."




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비밀번호 :
Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries and International Maritime Organization (IMO)Jointly Discuss Autonomous Ship Policy
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