• 최종편집 2025-02-12(수)

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[LeadersTimes]OnMay14,theMinistryofScienceandICThostedthelaunchingceremonyfor the Global Association for Advanced Air Mobility (G3AM), the world's first internationalfactual standardization organization in the field of Advanced Air Mobility (AAM), at the Sky31Conventionin LotteWorld Tower,Seoul.


Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) includes short-range urban air mobility (UAM) and regionalair mobility (RAM) focused on medium and long-distance travel. It is gaining attention as afuture transportation solution that expands transportation options and addressesenvironmental issues associated with existing transportation.


Given that AAM integrates various digital technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI),mobile communication, and data analytics, establishing international standards forinteroperability, reliability, and sustainability is crucial. The AAM industry is still in its earlystages, making this an opportune moment to take the initiative in international standardizationefforts.


Launchedjustthisweek,theG3AMisaninternationalfactualstandardizationorganizationled by experts to develop, maintain, and manage new standards across various domains,


includinginformationsharingsystems,trafficmanagement,andflightcontrol,promotinginteroperabilityand compatibility.


The founding members of the G3AM include 63 key Korean AAM-related companies, suchas Korean Air, Incheon International Airport Corporation, FineVT Robotics, HanwhaSystem, Korea Airports Corporation, Hyundai Motor, and three mobile carriers (SKT, KT,and LGU+). Multinational corporations like Onesky, Skyports, Padinagroup, and ANRATechnologies also participated. Additionally, companies such as Joby Aviation andVolocopterare consideringjoining the G3AM. 


During the event, Johnscal Walker, chairman of the International Organization forStandardization's Unmanned Aircraft Systems, delivered a keynote speech on the "Role ofInternational Organizations in Supporting AAM." At the launch anniversary conference,Korean Air presented successful cases of Korean-style urban air transportation (K-UAM).Hanwha System and Korea Aerospace Industries showcased next-generation electricpropulsionverticaltakeoffandlandingaircraft(eVTOL)andfutureaircraft(AAV).Skyports,a leading company in the vertiport sector and a member of G3AM since last year, presentedon the status of vertiport infrastructure development. 


JeonYoung-soo,theDirectorGeneralofInformationandCommunicationIndustryPolicyatthe Ministry of Science and ICT, stated, "The high-tech air transportation sector is an areawhere Korea can lead through digital technology standards. We will support the G3AM inplaying a pivotal role in developing advanced air transportation technology and creating anecosystem."


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비밀번호 :
World'sFirstAdvancedAirMobilityInternationalOrganizationforFactualStandardization Launched
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