• 최종편집 2024-05-05(일)




The government conducted the 2022 Korea Disaster Relief Team (KDRT) Korea Joint Simulation Training from October 12 to 14.
 According to the
Overseas Emergency Relief Act’, KDRT are dispatched in the event of a large-scale overseas disaster.Joint domestic simulation training is held every year to enhance the responsiveness of KDRTand strengthen peacetime preparation.
 Training was organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and hosted by the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KDRT Secretariat).More than 60 people, including the National Fire Agency, the Central 119 Rescue Headquarters, the Korea International Cooperation Agency, the National Medical Center, the Korea International Health and Medical Foundation and private medical personnel, participated.
 This year's training is significant in that it was the first large-scale training to reintroduce face-to-face training methods that had been suspended due to COVID-19. Particularly, on-board training, military transport plane loading training and field training were implemented.


 This training is considered to have been able to reorganize the cooperation system between KDRT-related ministries and agencies.The government will strengthen humanitarian aid to solve global problems as a responsible member of the international community.


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비밀번호 :
Korea Disaster Relief Team conducted joint training in 2022
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